Wednesday 5 September 2012

Piccadilly, the real circus!

Photo: Getty

Piccadilly Circus lived up to it’s name on Sunday, as thousands of shoppers and tourists were treated to a surprise street circus.
Photo:  PA
The thrilling show was part of the Cultural Olympiad London 2012 festival celebrations and members of the public stopped in amazement as performers began zip-wiring from buildings and costumed actors paraded down Regent Street.  Chinese pole artists, clowns, hula hoopers and jugglers transformed the area into a bustling playground.
Photo:  PA
 The grand finale came at sunset ,when a pink flare on the old HMV building sent a white cherub down a zipwire towards the statue of Eros.  As a group of winged figures gathered above the crowd, Eros appeared to be taking aim with his bow and suddenly 1.5 tonnes of feathers exploded out of the sky!

Photo:  Tristram Kenton, Guardian
 This was the UK premiere of  Place des Anges, a performance by Les Studios de Cirque, including over 200 international circus artists from 17 different nations.  

Photo: PA
The final week of the 2012 festival culminates with Bandstand Marathon - Communities in Tune on Sunday 9th September, when hundreds of bandstands around the UK strike up at the same time!  Coldplay have endorsed the playing of their song Viva La Vida for the simultaneous performance at 2pm and we will be able to see them later in the evening, when they perform at the Paralympics Closing Ceremony.
Coldplay's Chris Martin  Photo: Getty

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