Friday 7 September 2012

"London is Bonkers!"

'London is bonkers!' Overheard on the Southbank yesterday and I agree, we are eccentric and that is why we are so special.  Where else in the world would you find this young chap, wearing just shorts and sunglasses,  busking with his electric guitar on the city beach?
The tide was so low yesterday that it revealed a very wide beach, so sandy that this man decided to create a sand sculpture which thoroughly entertained the crowds having lunch in the Gabriel's Wharf restaurants.

Further along, outside the Festival Hall, the Lego map of the world had disappeared and been replaced by a performance group rehearsing a show which celebrated disabilities.


Later in the day the cast were teaching the audience how to join in the dress rehearsal with sign language and handing out a small gift of seeds, signifying that 'tomorrow is just a bloom'.

Taking a five minute rest on a bench in St. James's park, who should I see but Batman return a young child to his surprised mother, as you do!
Even the Goose is rather confused!
Trafalgar Square has the BT London Live big screen set up under Nelson's Column and a chance to see wheelchair tennis skills up close and personal, getting a chance to see how difficult it is to manoeuvre and hit the ball at the same time.

Can you believe how quickly everything has returned to normal. Just over two weeks ago this was the arena for beach volley ball with tiers of seating high above the buildings.  Now all is calm, as though nothing had happened.
The Mall is still closed, and preparations are underway to make the area ready for the Victory Parade on Monday.  This will be a ticketed area for family and friends of the athletes, volunteers, blue light services and the military, along with team coaches and support staff and groups of schoolchildren from London boroughs.
The parade of over 700 Olympic and Paralympic athletes, will start at 1.30pm from the City of London and the British Airways flame-coloured Firefly A319 aircraft will lead a flypast with the Red Arrows during the afternoon.

A stroll back over Hungerford bridge, yet another bizarre incident left commuters stunned as they had to make way for a giant white urinal as it was carried over the bridge, closely followed by Will Gompertz the BBC Arts Correspondent! It all happened so quickly, no time for a photo as I watched this 'vision' hurry across the bridge!

Where else in the world? !!

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