Tuesday 31 July 2012

Olympic Road Cycling Weekend

Saturday morning, the first day of the cycling road races.

Everyone had plenty to chat about as they took up a space along the Surrey roads, the only subject under discussion was the previous night’s sensational opening ceremony. The captivating performance was perfect in every sense, it balanced the quirky and whimsical side of Great Britain with the historical, and proved our overwhelming ability to excel in the creative arts. 
The plans for road closures had been well published, potholes were filled and hedges trimmed. The roundabouts were all given colourful floral additions, much to the surprise of some road users!

The support vehicles had all been cheered through and the wait was almost over. Then, a couple of seconds later, all the men had whisked past, although we did manage to snap a photo of our two Brits. 

Road closures bring about a very relaxed atmosphere, sauntering down the middle of a normally busy road, this felt more like a holiday village than a busy suburban town. 
Five hours later we were back to cheer these incredibly fit athletes as they headed back to London and the finishing line outside Buckingham Palace. 

Normally busy main roads were soon filled with eager supporters.

Mexican waves and cheering everything that moved fired a party spirit.  Dogs of every shape and size were out there (on leads this time), sensing this was an occasion not to be missed. The police were in party mode, having their photos taken, high fiving the crowd and making sure we were happy and safe. 

The cyclists swished past, looking every bit as fresh as they had 220 Km before, except for a few stragglers at the back who were given exceptionally loud cheers of encouragement.
Unfortunately, Sunday brought utterly dreadful weather but we all dressed up with waterproofs and brollies and made sure our support for the ladies was just as loud, although I’m not sure if they heard us over the violent thunderstorm which was raging overhead. 

By the time we had walked home we were delighted to catch the sight of beautiful Lizzie Armitstead, powering up the Mall to win her silver medal and the first medal for Great Britain in these Olympics. It must have been our thunderous cheering that helped her on her way!
Photo: PA

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