Friday 27 July 2012

The Gloriana leaves Hampton Court with the Olympic Torch

Amazing, exciting, overwhelming, none of this describes the emotion I experienced with thousands of other people at 7am this morning.

The riverbank at Hampton Court is always a stunning place to be, but at 6am this morning the place was buzzing with people of all ages, shapes and colours, all stopping to take in the wonderful sight of the Queen’s row barge, The Gloriana, which was moored near to the bridge. 

The crowds gathered in every available spot, even venturing into the river in some places. The little girl next to me suddenly shouted "This is the best day of all!". The police divers moved into place before masses of rowing boats took up their positions under the bridge, ready to follow the Gloriana.  Even the geese had rehearsed a synchronised performance to entertain the crowd.
My new friend waiting next to me spotted James Cracknell walking behind us and he very politely stopped to allow a photo opportunity.
A text came through to say the Olympic Torch had reached the maze, the press helicopter was overhead and flags were waving and oars were raised to salute the arrival.  It took a while to do the tour of the gardens and through the Palace and finally, our wait was over. 

I woke up this morning, hardly able to believe the day had arrived, now we were about to experience the most beautiful sight of the The Gloriana taking to the water with the massive cauldron containing the Olympic flame.  The sun even managed to break through the drizzly sky at this moment, creating a magical light for this spectacle.

Following behind the magnificent barge, the little row boats joined the procession along with the police diving boats, RNLI and packed pleasure launches, it was a bit like a mini Jubilee Pageant with better weather.

The British are normally such reserved people and suddenly this Olympic Torch Relay has enabled us to share our excitement with strangers, and showing Britain at it's very best.  The cheering, the emotion, the excitement was uncontrollable.  We felt privileged to be part of this great event, I had no idea that you don't need to be a sports fan to feel the power the Olympics can generate in bringing the world together.

Boris was right Olympomania, is now at fever pitch.

Then an hour later, it was all over and felt a bit like a dream.

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