Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Weigh-In at London Zoo

Tape measures and scales were out for the animals of London Zoo today.
Penguins form a dis-orderly queue for the scales  Photo: Getty

Photo: Getty Images
The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) who run the zoo in 36 acres in Regent's Park, started their annual weigh-in for all it's 16,000+ creatures today.

Photo: AFP
Every single species needs to be measured and weighed and given a general check-up, to provide a basis on which to monitor their health, diets and general well-being. This information is then shared with other zoos and conservationists.  ZSL works with conservation programmes in Britain and over 50 countries around the world to protect wild animals and their natural habitats and.promote sustainability.
Elton the spectacled owl  Photo:ZSL
London Zoo is the world's oldest scientific zoo and was opened in 1828.  Having survived several funding problems and the changing public view of zoos, it was faced with closure in 1991.  However, public support saved London Zoo and the huge task of transforming the cramped conditions was undertaken.  This has resulted in a modern, animal friendly space, which gives visitors an amazing chance to see wild animals in an environment as close as possible to their natural habitat.
Tammy - tree climbing Tamnadua anteater  Photo: ZSL

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