Friday 10 August 2012

London is looking fabulous

London is looking absolutely fabulous at the moment.
 These geraniums planted outside Buckingham Palace have been especially chosen to match the jackets of the soldiers guarding the Palace.
The tourist sights have never looked better.

and it is great to see so many tourists enjoying our city, including a group of the Russian Olympic Team and this Gold Medal winning Brazilian athlete, who was lucky enough to be allowed into the grounds of the Houses of Parliament to have her photo taken with Big Ben in the background.

The Southbank has pulled out all the stops to stage a variety of activities to welcome the world.  This massive map of the world has been carefully constructed with tiny Lego pieces.
If you take the bright yellow spiral staircase on the side of the Queen Elizabeth Hall, you will find yourself in a beautiful peaceful space with a fantastic view.  
There is a small bar and pathways which lead to a wonderful cottage garden and vegetable patch, then follow the path over a walkway and you are in a cave, made out of plastic milk bottles! The garden has been designed by the Eden Project and you can find all sorts of unusual vegetables, vines and olive trees flourishing here.  It is planned to be closed at the end of September 2012, so it's worth planning a visit very soon.

 You don't need to be in the Olympic Park to feel the excitement and atmosphere, London is full of happy smiling people at the moment and there is something to amuse around every corner.
A winning display from a Royal Horticultural Society competition.
A massive floral crown in St. James' Park.
A chance to practice your table tennis to Olympic standards in Embankment Gardens!

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