Wednesday 4 July 2012

The Tower of Medals

The medals are here and the teams are arriving. Less than a month to go until London welcomes the world!
Photo: Getty

4,700 Olympic medals arrived at the Tower of London on Monday for safekeeping in secure vaults, until they are needed for the Victory Ceremonies.
Photo: Getty
The gold, silver and bronze medals were brought to the Tower by the Chairman of Rio Tinto, the company in charge of mining the eight tonnes of precious metals for the medals. Jan Du Plessis handed the medals over to London 2012 Chairman Lord Coe, at a special ceremony with a fanfare of trumpeters from the Royal Marines
Photo: Getty
The Olympic medals have been designed by David Watkins and those for the Paralympics, starting on Wednesday 29th August, were designed by Lin Cheung.

The Tower of London’s Yeomen Warders are in charge of the safekeeping of the Crown Jewels at the Tower, so these treasured possessions for the 805 victory ceremonies are in very safe hands.

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