Tuesday 24 July 2012

Olympic Torch is welcomed in Kingston

On a perfect summer’s morning and you might wonder why the residents of this pretty market town are gathering on the streets at 8am. 

Families, dogs, and office workers quickening their pace as they head to vantage points across town, everyone smiling and with an air of eager anticipation.  Wonderful characters are playing to their audience.

Soon windows are thrown open and heads appear to catch a glimpse, the police take up their positions and suddenly someone spies a runner in grey rounding the corner, it is one of the Met Police security team, cheers ripple through the crowd, this is it, the Olympic Torch is on it’s way.
Every police motorcyclist, cycling paramedic and official gets a cheer and even this police car with their cuddly toy – Olympic mascot!

The warm-up vehicles appear with happy young people waving, cheering and handing out their promotional goodies. Complete strangers standing side by side want to share the moment, more of the runners of the police security team cycling past, beaming with smiles and announcing it is moments away!

The bright yellow media bus appears on the corner and there he is, dressed in a gleaming white and gold tracksuit with the Olympic Torch held high. A shiver of excitement was felt as the iconic flame passed by me, just a couple of inches away.  The torch bearer for this section, I’m sorry I can’t give a name to him, looked so proud, you could see his concentration, trying to take in every second of this historic moment. 

But it was all over so quickly, so I darted along the back of the crowds and across town whilst the Torch and the team took a route through the centre of the shopping centre.  Arriving just in time to run up to a footway across the one way system and see another Torch Bearer running down the hill and greeting the next person waiting to accept the ‘kiss’ from his torch.

This Torch Bearer just didn't want his moment to end
Everyone making their way back into the shopping centre
Off went the Olympic flame in the direction of Richmond upon Thames and Kingston upon Thames was left to enjoy a spectacular performance from the Seoul Cultural Centre.

Having started the day with a ride on the District Line Tube, then being carried from Hook by local boy and double Olympic rowing gold medallist James Cracknell, it has gone on to Kew Gardens and will finally end up in Walpole Park, Ealing at the end of today.

Photo:  London 2012

Photo: London 2012

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