Tuesday 19 June 2012

The Queen's Official Birthday

London streets were once again full of cheering crowds on Saturday 17 June, to join in the celebrations for the Queen’s Official Birthday.  The Queen was born on 21April, but it is traditional to celebrate the day in summer when good weather is more likely. 

The Trooping of the Colour ceremony is carried out by her personal bodyguards, the Household Division (Foot Guards and Household Cavalry) and dates back to the days when the colours of a regiment were ‘trooped’ before the soldiers to make sure every man could recognise his own regiment and which battle colours to follow.

Photo: PA
 More than 16,000 officers and soldiers take part in the Trooping of the Colour and the Queen has attended every single parade since her coronation, riding side-saddle on horseback  until 1987 wearing the uniform of the Regiment whose colour was being trooped. This year it was the flag of the 1St Battalion Coldstream Guards.

Photo: PA
This year the Queen and Prince Phillip arrived at Whitehall in the Glass Coach ready to enjoy the pomp and ceremony, whilst  the Duke of Cambridge, Colonel of the Irish Guards, The Prince of Wales, Colonel of the Welsh Guards, Princess Royal, Colonel of the Blues and Royals and the Duke of Kent, Colonel of the Scots Guards were in full military dress on horseback.

Photo: Reuters
Wearing a sunny yellow coat and hat, the Queen must have been delighted to have the Duke of Edinburgh at her side again after his spell in hospital and they regularly stood to take the salute before sitting to enjoy more of the stirring music. A quick march with an American flavour was included as a tribute to the close co-operation of the British and American forces in Afghanistan.  The massed bands managed to perform complicated marching manoeuvres whilst belting out some toe-tapping music.

Photo: Reuters
Stepped in historical tradition, this tremendous performance of pageanty and skill is the opportunity for the armed forces to demonstrate their commitment to their Monarch.  The display of attention to detail, teamwork and discipline are all qualities which directly relate to how soldiers need to behave on a battlefield.

Photo:  Reuters
After the parade the Queen and Duke, in the Glass Coach, were then escorted back to Buckingham Palace by a Sovereign’s Escort from the Household Cavalry in their shining breastplates and plumed helmets, along with the Mounted Bands of the Household Cavalry. The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery fired a 41 gun salute in Green Park and at the Tower of London the Honourable Artillery Company fired a 62-round salute.

Photo: AFP
Back at the Palace the Queen and her family appeared on the balcony to enjoy the warmth of the crowds and for another spectacular RAF flypast, finishing with the Red Arrows and their stream of red, white and blue.

Photo: Reuters
Two days later and the Mall and Horseguards Parade were yet again a hive of activity with lorries and workmen making preparations for the Olympic Beach Volley Ball on the Parade Ground and installing the security equipment for the events on the Mall.

Next time you see this it will be a Beach Volley Ball arena


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