Thursday 7 June 2012

London anticipates a party!

What an amazing four days we have had in London!
A celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s 60 years on the throne has been a series of unforgettable experiences.

Tower Bridge allows lifts to allow one of the tall ships to pass through

We started our weekend at Tower Bridge to see the Avenue of Sail.   

These were the tall ships which could not fit under the London bridges, so they were moored along the banks of the river down stream from London Bridge. 
Such a variety of impressive ships ranging from the oldest three masted barque in working order to more recent vessels.  
It was a great shame the weather was so dull and gloomy so the great variety of boats were not shown at their best. 
Despite that, they were busy polishing and stringing up the bunting to look their very best for the River Pageant on Sunday. Turning around from all the historical sights we had the magnificent glass Shard, Europe's tallest building, towering over the river.
On my way to London Bridge I stopped at Green Park and took a walk through this beautiful open green space to look at the preparations for the Jubilee Concert. 

I was delighted to arrive just as the band was rehearsing the opening number for the concert – Let me Entertain You by Robbie Williams!  It sounded tremendous, so can only imagine the treat everyone in the area experienced on the actual night of the concert.

The crews were working flat out to make sure the stage was finished to perfection. It is such a complicated structure which has been erected around the Victoria Memorial; the plans had to be drawn up by an architect rather than a normal set designer. What a wonderful job they did, it was out of this world and the gilded pinnacle had been made even brighter for the occasion!

The atmosphere of interest, bemusement and anticipation could be sensed from the onlookers, some tourists, others just passing by on their way home from work.

On my journey through the City to London Bridge, I could feel the holiday atmosphere growing as people spilled out from their offices with the prospect of a four day holiday ahead and, despite the dire weather forecast, the show would go on!

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