Tuesday 15 May 2012

The Orbit Tower

The UK’s tallest sculpture designed by the Turner prize-winning artist Anish Kapoor and structural engineer Cecil Balmond was unveiled on Friday 11th May.
Photo:  PA
The spiralling steel tower stands at 114.5m tall with two observation floors giving panoramic views across the London skyline. Visitors will be able to go up the 35 storey structure in a lift and if they wish, descend the 455-step spiral staircase to enjoy the spectacular views and take in the artistic detail. The artwork will be brought to life with 250 colour spot lights which can be individually controlled to give a stunning display after dark.

The cost of this unique attraction has been largely funded by ArcelorMittal, providing £19.6 million, with the remaining £3.1 million from the London Development Agency.
Photo: AP
Reaction to the structure has been mixed.  The Mayor of London described it as “a piece of truly spectacular modern British art”, whereas critics have commented that it was “like the Eiffel Tower after a nuclear attack”!  Anish Kapoor said he was “glad it was controversial”.

No doubt this lattice of tubular steel will be the focus of many photographs during the coming months, along with heated debate about whether this tangle of scarlet steel is a cutting edge work of art or a blot on the landscape.  Critics may like to remember that it took at least 50 years for the Eiffel Tower to become accepted and now it is the iconic landmark of Paris, just give this new London landmark a bit of time!

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