Wednesday 18 April 2012

Inspire a Generation!

100 days to go until the opening ceremony and Chairman of the Games Seb Coe was at Kew Gardens this morning to unveil a giant set of Olympic rings, made up of over 20,000 flowers visible to planes landing on the Heathrow flight path.

Photo: LOCOG
The venue for sailing events in Weymouth, Dorset has built a giant sandcastle featuring the Olympic rings to celebrate and the Coldstream, Scots and Welsh Guards were in perfect formation on Horseguards Parade, marking the 100 days to go. 
Photo: LOCOG
A further announcement that more than 60 big screens will be erected around the country to give everyone across the United Kingdom a chance to watch the London 2012 events, free of charge, will be warmly welcomed.  The excitement of the opening day of the Games will be experienced by cities across the country, with a flypast from the Red Arrows aerobatic display team performing their Big Battle formation
Photo: MOD
British Embassies around the world have arranged events to mark the 100 days to go, with 100 metre races in Berlin, at the 1984 Olympic Stadium in Sarajevo and in the Palace Square in St. Petersburg.  

With 3 weeks until the torch is lit in Greece, 4 weeks until it arrives in the UK and 10,000 temporary toilets to set up, the final countdown is on!   The buzz of excitement is building across London as we prepare to welcome the world.

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