Monday 19 March 2012

The Olympic Torch Relay

The route of the Olympic torch relay has been announced, along with the names of all the 8,000 torch bearers, who will carry the torch through their towns and cities as it makes a tour of the UK.
Torchbearers have been selected from a vast response to a call for nominations of inspirational and deserving people.  Along with celebrities and sports stars, there will be a lady from Harrow who will be 100 years old by the time she carries the torch, and she still holds a keep fit class for more mature people twice a week! There will be so many people who have shown courage and determination through illness and difficulties, along with charity workers and many other deserving people, all of whom are full of pride and excitement.

The flame will touch down at Heathrow and begin its countrywide journey on 19 May from Land’s End in Cornwall arriving at The Royal Observatory at Greenwich on July 21st at around 7.30am, day 64 of the relay.  The next few days will see London boroughs welcome the torch as it passes down high streets, across parks, through music festivals and past London landmarks.

The torch will be guarded day and night by 36 Metropolitan Police officers who have been specially training for the event .

The last two days of the route have not yet been announced, but it is believed there will be a river procession from Hampton Court to the Olympic stadium.  We will be there with pictures and all the news on the day for you!

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