Monday 12 March 2012

Google joins the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations

With the celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee well underway now, an interactive global archive of the six decades of celebrations and visits made by the Queen has been launched.

The project, developed by Historypin with support from Google, offers an easy to use facility to share photographs and memories from around the world, of all the Queen’s visits and celebrations from throughout her reign.  Buckingham Palace has already contributed to the archives and in the Queen’s Commonwealth Day message she spoke of the way in which technology can give people the chance to understand the way others live across the globe.
This looks like it will be the biggest ever picture gallery of our Queen, with Google maps linking the images to exactly where they were taken.
June 2002, Bush Park, Surrey
I’m off to have a good look at the site and sort out some photos from our Jubilee Album.  If you have some to contribute the place to go is:

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